Leech therapy uses only special types of medicinal leeches grown in modern bio farms. Leeches are single use and are disposed after each session according to medical standards. During the session a few medicinal leeches applied to the body’s problematic area to extract blood (usually 5-10 ml per leech). The bite can be completely painless or feel like a mosqito bite. The procedure is generally relaxing and lasts about an hour. At the end the bite area will be covered with a sterile cotton wool dressing and the additional dressing materials will be given to the patient to take home in case if additional bandage should be needed.
The initial post-application bleeding should normally last be between 8 to 16 hours, however after the Pandemic most patients now bleed less, about only 3-6 hours which shows increased blood thickness. With each session patient’s body adapts to leech saliva and the bleeding time gets shorter and shorter until it reaches the natural minimum (about 1 hour or less). The number of leeches used for each patient is decided based on individual age and health condition, usually about 3-5, but can reach up to 8-10 leeches in some cases. The procedure is generally relaxing and many patients fall asleep during the session.
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